Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Eww. I have allergies today and they suck. Definitely don't feel like drinking very much beer tonight so I guess that means Evan and I will drive home from Waldon's. Going to have venison for dinner tonight from the deer that Travis and Linda shot yesterday. Hope it's good because there is a lot of it. Inception is a very good movie, I highly recommend it. Very original. And:

Congratulations to Lana and Matt!

I really want to roadtrip to Utah to see them but as usual I always seem to be over booking myself so I don't think it is going to work. Someday, possibly next summer if a find a cool job that doesn't last the whole summer and i plan accordingly.

Think I'm going to go take a Vitamin C just in case I'm getting sick and this isn't allergies.

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